• Sleep training (aka sleep coaching/sleep teaching/sleep learning) is the process of teaching a child to fall asleep independently (without your assistance) and fall back asleep on his/her own when wakes up between sleep cycles.

    Sleep itself is a biological process. We do not teach babies to sleep. But the way how a child falls asleep and the sleep hygiene in order to get an adequate sleep can be absolutely taught.

  • I work with little ones ages 0-5 years.

    Sleep goals and sleep training methods differ depending on child’s age

  • I help with variety sleep challenges including but not limited to:

    • Sleep associations and sleep training

    • Nighttime wakings

    • Short Naps

    • Sleep and feed schedule challenges

    • Early morning wakings

    • Sleep regressions

    • Nap transitions

    • Dropping night feeds

    • Transitions from co-sleeping to sleeping in crib or bed (depending on Childs age)

    • SNOO to crib transitions

    • Bassinet to crib transitions

    • Crib to big bed transitions

    • Bedtime stalling and behavioral challenges

    • Nightmares and night terrors

    • Bedtime fears and more

  • Every baby is very unique with their own personality and needs to be approached individually. My recommendations on sleep training techniques are based on the child's age, personality, temperament, family’s parenting philosophy and my professional knowledge and experience.

    I work with a variety of methods  including stay in the room and out of the room methods. 

    I do not use the "Cry it out" method - full extinction when you leave your little one to fall asleep without any interventions and do not come back until the child is fully asleep. Each method I use is responsive and allows parents to provide support and reassurance to reduce crying.

    For newborn babies:

    We do not focus on sleep training. We primary focus on sleep foundations, daytime and nighttime sleep routines and practice giving opportunities of falling asleep in their sleeping space with your support. Once they have these foundations they may even not need the official sleep training or it will be much easier to sleep train.

    For babies 3+ months:

    During the sleep training process we are incorporating some changes to routine, environment and changing the way child falls asleep. It is important to note that we will see some protest and crying as it is the way little ones communicate with us. And all emotions are ok.

    I can't guarantee a tear free solution. And nobody can.

    My approach is holistic, evidence & experience based and research backed. And choosing a sleep training method is just one piece of the puzzle.

  • This is the most frequently asked question and I absolutely understand why. No parent wants to hear their babies cry. And if you are here searching how to help your child sleep better - you are the best parent for your child!

    When you work with me, I want you to know what to expect. My goal is for you to succeed in achieving your family's realistic sleep goals. During the sleep training process we are incorporating some changes to routine, environment and changing the way baby falls asleep.

    It is important to note that we will hear some protest and crying as it is the way little ones communicate with us. I can't guarantee a tear free solution. And nobody can.

    Each of the methods I use are responsive and allow parents to provide support, comfort and reassurance if needed. My approach is holistic and choosing a sleep training method is just one piece of the puzzle.

  • Here are the main steps of the process during our joint work if you choose one of the support packages with a sleep plan:

    1. Book a free discovery call to discuss your baby’s sleep challenges

    2. Choose your support pacha and sign the agreement

    3. Fill out the questionnaire about your child’s sleep and track your child’s sleep, feeds and activities via Baby Daybook for 3 consecutive days and nights

    4. Receive a Personalized Sleep Plan and 1 hour training call

    5. Place Plan into action, get support and start sleeping!

  • Yes, it is possible to continue room sharing and having a good nights of sleep. In fact this is what we did with our kids. And I will tech you how.

  • No. Sleep and feedings go hand in hand. We will be closely working on establishing good daytime and nighttime feedings (if needed) based on baby’s age, pediatrician’s recommendations and your goals.

  • No. Your little one can have a good night sleep with the age appropriate nighttime feedings. It is always recommended to get the pediatrician’s recommendations about the feedings and nighttime weaning. This decision can be made based on baby’s age, pediatrician’s recommendations and your goals.

  • Yes, absolutely! And you do not need to pay extra. You need to purchase only 1 support package for twin babies.

  • Yes. For now, my in-home services are available for families in Washington, DC area. After choosing your main support package, you have an add-on option for in-home services. You can choose whether you would like me to be there and support you during the sleep training process at bedtime or the whole night

  • There are only few reason when my sleep plans might not work:

    • When families are not consistent/do not follow the plan or choose only few aspects of the plan to follow.

    • Underlying medical conditions that may affect sleep. Always consult with your child’s pediatrician before proceeding with the sleep training process.

    It is a hard work. The process is not linear. If you stick with the plan IT WILL WORK!

    I take my time to understand and learn about your family, sleep goals and needs. Sleep consulting is my full time job and I help families to reach their sleep goals EVERY SINGLE DAY! And you can have a well rested baby who falls asleep without your assistance and night long (with night feeds if needed) too!

    Yes, you know your little one best, and I know my job best too. If we combine these 2 aspects - we have a success!

    Up to date I have 100% of success with over 160 + families that I have worked with.

  • My main goal is for you to succeed on achieving better sleep for your little one and you.

    The main question is - what would YOU like to do? Would you like to make a plan on your own and you are confident that you can achieve these goals without hiring a sleep consultant? This is great! I support you!

    Or would you like to have a plan made for your child’s specific sleep challenges and have a professional expert supporting you each step of the way as you implement it. This is great! I am here to support you!

    What I can tell you with confidence is - when working with me YOU WILL NOT BE TRYING THINGS OUT!


  • Yes! Please read what families are saying in Google reviews about working with me

Start your journey to a well rested baby and family today!


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0 - 12 weeks

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Babies & Toddlers

12 weeks - 2 years

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3 - 5 years

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